Tax Problem Resolution

You’ve got a friend in the tax business. Let us be your go-to for your any tax resolution needs you may have. From IRS wage garnishment protection to helping you get “Innocent Spouse” protection, we have the experience you need.

What our Clients are saying

I have known CPA Eakub A. Khan for many years in a professional and personal manner. His work ethic and demeanor towards me and my referrals resonates positively. Eakub’s knowledge of my various business’s which are spread out in the wholesale and retail industry is amazing. His simple approach helps me understand and manage my business efficiently.

Eakub’s communication with me is flawless. Every time, I reach out to him with any problems, he responds with assuring resolutions. With many of my businesses, I need a person like him than can make me feel confident and assured with my management and operating actions. My partners and friends share the same feeling towards him as I have described.

Eakub’s advice over the years has saved me from many stressful situations. His adherence to detail and ability to understand my issues has enabled me to concentrate on operating my many business without any sort of worry. Without Eakub on my side, I strongly feel that I would not have been successful with my businesses. His extraordinary service and commitments to clients like me deserves an A++ rating.

Amazing, Flawless

MD Bilal Chowdhury

Debunking Estate Plan Myths For Jackson Heights Taxpayers

On Friday, the IRS began accepting tax returns and people like me all around the country started buckling up for what is already quite a ride.With new PPP loans for Jackson Heights small business owners, credits aplenty in all of the variety of stimulus bills, DELAYS...

Understanding Your Jackson Heights area Airbnb And Taxes

As of this writing, the federal government is still in a "partial shutdown", and things are starting to fray around the edges, even for those whose paychecks aren't being affected. Already, it's the longest in history.Which, for a media starving for any kind of...

Eakub Khan’s First Key To Building Wealth

Not only are we entering into the thick of tax season, but based on our political situation, we could be staring at another federal government shutdown on Friday.Which means, well ... we don't know exactly what it will mean except that God bless you if you are trying...

Is Your State Broke? Eakub Khan Analyzes State Tax Revenue Sources

With national events continuing as they are, here at Eakub A. Khan CPA P.C., we're finding ourselves locking into "go mode" ... again.It's unusual for us to be in this mode smack in the middle of June, but this year has not been ... usual.This is because the tax...

Three Keys To Shorter Meetings For Your Business

Last week I wrote about working less and testing the 80/20 hypothesis for your Jackson Heights business work cycle. I'd love to know if you had a chance to consider putting this into practice, send us an email using the email icon at the top right-hand corner of our...

Post-Stimulus Taxes for 2020

I mentioned last week the key provisions of the "American Rescue Plan," while it was just proposed legislation.Now that the House has passed it, there is more meat on those bones. I'll run it all down for you once it's been signed by the President, but the key...

What To Do When You Experience A Sudden Income Increase In Jackson Heights area

I don't know about you, but I am *celebrating* the end of all of the automated phone calls and ads, now that this election is behind us. And no matter how you feel about the results, I hope we can all agree that it's good to put all the shouting behind us.Er, well ......

Khan’s Four Good Reasons To Give Charitably, Aside From Tax Deductions

As I write this, the Senate has passed their version of the tax reform bill, and now we wait for the final version of the bill. The process isn't yet finished (it needs to go through the "reconciliation" process, and the President needs to sign it), but we have some...

Jackson Heights Taxpayers It’s Time To Deal With Your 2020 Tax Return

We can't electronically submit tax returns to the IRS until Friday, February 12. Nobody can.But that doesn't mean we can't help you get started. In fact, we're already in process with a few Jackson Heights clients, and more and more are contacting us every day.If you...

Tax-Smart Ways to Run a Savvy Jackson Heights area Side Hustle

I'm so old, I still remember the days when "hashtags" were only about a particular button on your phone.Yep, the world has shifted massively underfoot. You know it; we all know it.And one of the developments we've all seen is the proliferation of news feed gurus,...

How You’re Missing Legal Tax Deductions

Here’s a certain truth: the State and Federal Government would love to have more of your hard-earned money in their accounts. Sure, even though it’s painful, none of us begrudge paying our legal and fair share of taxes.
But the problem is that regular taxpayers, like you, are missing out on legal and safe deductions, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed refunds every year!